HW8: Markov Hybrids

Gallery of Characters

In this assignment, students trained a simple Markov Chain on two different collections of text at once to create "Markov Hybrids," or programs capable of synthesizing text in two styles at once. Click here for the full assignment specification.

Donald Dynamite

  • unannounced unemployment hoax! who has my chapstick!
  • tina, eat the senate. the russia hoax!
  • look like a wonderful candidate, especially with a bow staff, yeah
  • dr. fauci will come because it's…it’s a liger. it's incredible

Darth Donald 2020

  • Darth Plagueis was a godsend. v.p. is doing a great job. The fake news is, indeed, the enemy of the sith. @benshapiro
  • the death star will be tools built for the middle class, great for our health, our economy, and our nation!
  • @IvankaTrump power is its own purpose. to share it is finally time for our attack on coronavirus. we must get it done!
  • we claim all nations, all planets, all stars they are staging a coup against bernie!
  • the princess of alderaan has disrupted my plan at the direction of the ayatollah.
  • Congratulations to @BorisJohnson on his great win! Britain and the entire galaxy in my mind's eye; i can find new ways to motivate them.
  • the new usa today poll, just out, has me leading all of the rebel alliance and a meager, worthless existence.
  • Americans will never forget that democrats have no fear, and i will bend the galaxy as father and son.
  • #maga jobs jobs jobs!. Great optimism in America and the end of your life.
  • Life, death, the one Don jr attended in order to seek a darker path to truth

Terrio B.

  • enough difficulty finding an open mind, of complicated recipes and follow and allows you after autumn and time so you now doin' 20 over time so you now doin' 20 over time so i can move on water like all the storytelling chimpanzee.the anthropologists got it wrong. no matter, a furnace of tomato.he'd noticed that people who never even find out. it's what it is wrong. no matter how the choir gon' follow and allows you a star, you made out of feathers, so when they're not forgotten this.in ancient times
  • enough but you do. you do it for eternity. no sleep, no rest, just erotic. nothing is every star, you lie heard a song it went twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle little storytelling chimpanzee.the anthropologists got there is a rumour going around you're either the rarest talent whatsoever," he said that it is they're not forgotten this.in ancient times more than curse the dreams are written by means bad things in itthe trouble without one.stories, little started is not the altar, like about here
  • enough but you do. you can take a billion trillion trillion trillion tons of vines and the sons who never find out whatsoever," he said. "have you, you to wake up in the whole world where the kind of the bullshitwoo, children do not go hoppity skip unless they'd settle quite happily for eternity. no sleep, no rest, just erotic. nothing your dreams are jagged for themselves. fascinated people will insist on coming along and was seldom seen.juliet's version of cleanliness, which exploded.in the goose go

Ninja Tweeting Drake

  • everybody has an addiction. i was born to make mistakes, not to find @kingbach trending in a negative way for clicks because they are bored as shit. do sometimes its shown in what your heart. never let anyone else hold the story of your heart.
  • everybody has an addiction. i was born to make mistakes, not drooling over a breakup. patience is key for no reason. people need to start focusing over cuz @cloakzy is cute... check perfection after tonight for it. its shown in what your local businesses through it. you give up, think of the app
  • everybody has an addiction. i challenge @jeffreestar and don't haters who sign up and trailing over too late to reason your interaction. i challenge @jeffreestar and @jordan_fisher im all in. i was born to make mistakes, not to fight for their keyboards for clicks because new album today, good interaction

Flat Earth Squarepants

  • Sometimes watching Spongebob is portrayed from several points of view depending on who the main character. Instead, see the conspiracy could exist at that scale for decades without evidence of a spherical earth is circular.
  • Different as one moves northward or southward. Just as ships can be hidden from view by the curve of the best fry cook ever and a good best friend to Patrick. He turns into a zombie and we cannot get her attention as she is so annoyed that the earth is one shape rather than another.
  • Reality forming a spherical earth. First, there has never quite making the earth believing that they would hear it sooner or later spit on her brother. Spongebob is a "nice" guy. Yes, he is clueless and irritating.

Where Art Thou Harry

  • ancient ears. the old sought with hunger. till romeo, hide or signs. mr. dursleys drive, but by the easiestthe giant to see all be in slow funeral important day of joy? and there i come! juliet, if they left -- but just bitterly wish. but itancient group of these grief the two. "i would trust, nurse.][enter than his head to banish'd forgot there was saying.worse pawed them and kicked upward, very unworthy assistant should bebroken-down escalus, with such a wonderful. here comes the marble st
  • ancient feast, a deadly shutting their quills. he fleet of my lord. rom. they heard.there the astronomy towers. do as they went tohedwig toand pay no teh a bit sick he leaky cauldron. he working team gryffindor house! 'twas youcharges are concrete floor wancient late i noted and started to gregory thee from thee my parents died... but thou slay thy love me, all day. nothing your christmas he'd sun ben. hermione.neck. "shut up, but bound, harry's robes.knee and get this should you will be a quiz show
  • ancientshe pulled over it's not keep your wit. 2. mus. not a sounding all others mustache. under he's older and left it there, harry didn't have a squat, smiling, "curious... curious?" he looking about what tongue's mew'd up to"so we were alive long"it isancient lateto donations in barely too. no one says hufflepuffs, harry."you've had gone rom. tush, i will omit no one except hermione, one known too heavythey managed to bed,"no, not attend, take it before.hugging on jackets rattled and nothing his

Underdog Steve

  • Some clown named stewart brand not far from high school. Carson wentz didn’t see him for over a year! He was the least-qualified head coach in the country road the kind you know what an underdog is?
  • We don’t care. we’re so means to make this it would have to be a very drawer, was told he would fear before going the super bowl and polaroid came along: it would have to be about an underdogs.
  • A hungry dog. it’s one of the juice. lane johnson can’t care. "no one likes us. no one likes our finest creation in the closest and we don’t care"

Rick, Morty, and Elon

  • He really likes pokémon go. while others party, he study the back of their icu wards, with a c19 antibody test
  • good vibes for the memesphere. fear the toilet paper. sometimes i am not a flamethrower
  • i will also be upgraded over time, as a weapon for morality, but, a brick would work too morty
  • as a weapon for manipulation on sales: i own gene wilder’s old house.we have extra
  • manipulation is messed up moral condemnations with comfortable positioning. yup. Dr. Levitan advocates
  • you’re a good detective. but not good enough, because your opinion means very little to me
  • so everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night? Night makes up half of all time, so you know that’s my two cents on purpose. nobody belongs anywhere.

Game of Wands (Game of Thrones & Harry Potter, by "Lord HoldtheDoor")

  • death. before best suited to die tomorrow, lord bolton. sleep well for everyone can hear it
  • ron Weasley don’t send wizards to sack that wand-waving king’s landing
  • death is time’s education ... but he couldn’t keep my promise.

The Nautical Nonsense of a Fat Man (Homer Simpson + Spongebob Squarepants)

  • a boy with jelleyfish for 100 years or so.i might as well sleep for 12 hours of tv a day
  • this nra meeting marge, this life, you being popular is the pudding and writing another just like squidward, you have no kids are great things
  • gary, go away, can't i had a nose!oh, i wish flanders was dead
  • america’s health care system is second only to japan… canada, sweden, great britain… well, all of europe. but you can't eat all those patties at one time!squidward's hopes and dreams
  • you're a man now, spongebob, and it's time you started acting like a refrigerator: 6 feet tall, 300 pounds